Tvoj put do ispunjenja

Otkrij podršku za sretniji i ispunjeniji život.

Sreća u svemiru

Otkrij podršku za sretniji i ispunjeniji život.

Individualne online radionice za osobni razvoj i rast.

Grupne online radionice za zajedništvo i podršku ženama.

Usluge za poboljšanje kvalitete vašeg života.

woman sitting on sand beside of This is My Happy Place signage
woman sitting on sand beside of This is My Happy Place signage
three women sitting on brown wooden bench
three women sitting on brown wooden bench
A neon sign with the words 'Empower Women' in bright blue letters against a dark background. The lettering is surrounded by an artistic design of neon orange loops, adding a decorative touch to the sign.
A neon sign with the words 'Empower Women' in bright blue letters against a dark background. The lettering is surrounded by an artistic design of neon orange loops, adding a decorative touch to the sign.

ASTRID - Mentor i podrška ženama

  • Mentorski online program osviještavanja misli i emocija

  • Od nedostatka do obilja radosti

Sreća u svemiru - mentorski program za žene kroz online radionice za ispunjeniji život i poboljšanje kvalitete života.


Razvijaj sebe

Otkrij svoj potencijal kroz individualne konzultacije i grupne online radionice putem ZOOM i WhatsApp grupe uz podršku mentorice Astrid.

Individualne konzultacije

Personalizirani pristup unapređenju kvalitete života kroz vođene sesije i strateško planiranje.

Online individualne konzultacije putem ZOOM i WhatsApp aplikacije.

A group of women is sitting at a table, each using a laptop. Their expressions suggest focus and engagement. In the center, there are various items, including cups and a thermos. The setting appears to be a casual workspace with brick and glass walls in the background.
A group of women is sitting at a table, each using a laptop. Their expressions suggest focus and engagement. In the center, there are various items, including cups and a thermos. The setting appears to be a casual workspace with brick and glass walls in the background.
Grupne radionice

Kroz radionicu ćeš dobiti radost života, energiju, bezbrižnost, slobodu i sklad. Naučit ću te kako da sama radiš metode koje će te dovesi do obilja radosti, energije i obilja mira sa samom sobom.

Online grupne radionice putem ZOOM i WhatsApp aplikacije.

Podrška ženama! Osvijestit ću te odakle dolaze tvoje negativne misli i kako utječu na tvoje ponašanje i osjećaje, kako da budeš u skladu sa sobom i kako da kažeš NE bez grižnje savjesti.

Online programi putem ZOOM i WhatsApp aplikacije.

Programi osmišljeni za osnaživanje žena kroz savjetovanje i zajedničke aktivnosti prema ciljevima.
woman sitting on brown wooden chair while using silver laptop computer in room
woman sitting on brown wooden chair while using silver laptop computer in room
woman riding on vehicle putting her head and right arm outside the window while travelling the road
woman riding on vehicle putting her head and right arm outside the window while travelling the road

Iskustva korisnika

Pročitaj što klijenti kažu o programu.

Nisam se nadala tako pozitivnoj energiji, ogromnoj količini podrške i povezanosti. Grupu smo koristile i kao "ispušni ventil" i ne biste vjerovali kako radi! Smjernice koje smo dobivale za rješavanje zadataka su puno pomogle da ostanem dosljedna i da se fokusiram na rad na sebi, što sam do sada stalno odgađala!

Ivana Novak
Three women are sitting on wooden benches in a cozy, informal setting. They are gathered around a laptop, seemingly engaged in a collaborative discussion or presentation. They are smiling and appear to be in a relaxed and friendly environment. Behind them is a dark wall with colorful dots and some posters pinned on it. Cushions are placed on the benches, adding to the comfort of the space.
Three women are sitting on wooden benches in a cozy, informal setting. They are gathered around a laptop, seemingly engaged in a collaborative discussion or presentation. They are smiling and appear to be in a relaxed and friendly environment. Behind them is a dark wall with colorful dots and some posters pinned on it. Cushions are placed on the benches, adding to the comfort of the space.


Izvrsna, poticajna i motivirajuća grupa podrške koja snaži s jedne strane, a miluje dušu s druge strane. Izvrsni dnevni zadaci koji pomažu u razumijevanju sebe te svjesno vraćanje sebe sebi. Preporučila bih svima ovu izvrsnu grupu podrške koja djeluje kao melem za dušu i tijelo.

Several people are gathered in a workshop, focusing on a central wooden workbench surrounded by various tools, wood planks, and shelves filled with materials. The setting is industrial with a rough concrete floor and walls adorned with assorted papers and items.
Several people are gathered in a workshop, focusing on a central wooden workbench surrounded by various tools, wood planks, and shelves filled with materials. The setting is industrial with a rough concrete floor and walls adorned with assorted papers and items.
Marija Kovač



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a close up of a plate of fruit on a table
a close up of a plate of fruit on a table